I’ve lived with anxiety for as long as I can remember, but as I’ve gotten older, it’s become more intense and harder to manage. It’s not just general anxiety—I also struggle with social anxiety and separation anxiety, each bringing its own set of challenges. When anxiety takes over, it’s more than just feeling nervous; I experience nausea, shortness of breath, and even muscle spasms. Sharing this part of my journey isn’t easy, but I hope it helps others feel less alone in their journeys.

Some of my experiences with Anxiety

I traveled to California to see my best friend who I hadn't seen in over a year. I was super excited and when I got there, I was very happy to see my best friend. During that week, we did a lot of fun stuff, including going to Disneyland! Even though I was having fun, I was experiencing separation anxiety because I was away from my boyfriend. We talked every night but it was still very hard to be away from him.

This past Memorial Day, my boyfriend was invited to a cook out at one of his friends house. He has gone to these cookouts long before I came into the picture. This year I went with him. I am very open to meeting his friends, but unfortunately with my social anxiety, it is hard for me. My boyfriend was very understanding and was very reassuring that his friends would like me and be very welcoming. He was right. I was very anxious during the cookout but his friends were all very nice to me. My boyfriend stayed close to me the entire time and we both had a good time. We stayed for a few hours, had some good food and then went home.

  • Talking to my boyfriend

  • Talking to my family/friends

  • Listening to music

  • Going on a walk

  • Taking a nap (I love my naps)

  • Watching Tok Toks or funny videos

I was working for a local bank and had been there for 4 years. I loved the people but had a business degree that I wasn’t using. I decided to look for a new job closer to my new home and found one! I was very anxious to give my two weeks. I didn’t know how it was going to go. When I had to have the conversation, it went very well and I was able to relax. But it was very hard to leave a place where I was comfortable and had good friends at. Now I am very glad I made the decision. When I started the new job, I was very anxious if people would like me there and if I would be a good fit. I am a hard worker and love to learn new things but I didn’t know if I was a good fit. Now after being here for a little over 8 months, I feel more confident and have good relationships with a lot of my co workers! You just have to believe in yourself!

I got a cat for my emotional support animal to help with my anxiety. I got him from an animal shelter when he was five months old. When I got him, they said he had respiratory issues due to stress. I thought once I brought him home, he should be fine. I was wrong. He had infections and had multiple vet visits as well as 2 surgeries. One of the surgeries he had, I had to leave him at the animal hospital for 2 days. That was really hard for me. The surgery went well and after 2 days I was able to pick him up. Charlie has been by my side during some of my darkest days. I am very lucky to have him.

What Helps My Anxiety

These are some of the things that help me when I am feeling anxious. For the most part, these work for me. Everyone is different. What helps you when you are experiencing anxiety?